Brian Levy

UX, UI, Interaction, & Graphic Design

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Azure Support Diagnostics

Consolidating diagnostic testing tools.


Troubleshooting a customer issue can often involve time consuming and inefficient manual processes involving multiple different tools to retrieve data, analyze it, and recommend next steps to resolve an issue.


The Azure Support Diagnostics Platform automates this work saving engineers significant time that it would ordinarily take to manually collect and analyze this data for every case.

The Diagnostics Platform provides engineers with a checklist-style view to easily show which steps of a diagnostic workflow have been completed and displays the relevant findings with links to the actual tools/data used for each step.  The engineer can review the results from any completed steps and rerun an entire diagnostic or any sub-tests if necessary.

My role

  • Partnered with the Program Manager to identify the core functionality.
  • Defined the interaction patterns and user flow to fit into existing application structure.
  • High fidelity mockups and click through prototypes.

First run experience

Before the test is run, the engineer can see an overview of all the tasks that that the test will be running.

Configuring a test

Test progress

The engineer can see the progress of the test as it is being run. The status is updated for each step of the process as they are completed.

Completed test

Once the test is completed, any problems or failures are highlighted. Test results are saved in the history. Tests can be re-run to compare results over different time periods.